
Complete Some Forms and Get Moving

Permit Process

All work planned within street right-of-way requires a permit in the form of a “Road Impact Agreement” to be developed and established by the Elkhart County Highway Department. This work includes installation of commercial or residential driveways, utility work, road work, or anything classified as special use.

The standard “Road Impact Agreement” form will be used for all applications. Commercial driveway, utility, road work, oversize/overload and special use applications will require a fee of $130 minimum, depending on the amount of work to be completed.  Any commercial or utility work completed within the right-of-way prior to obtaining a permit requires a fee of $750.

All residential driveway permits will require a fee of $75. Any work completed within the right-of-way without the proper permit in place may be subject to a $500 fee.

Each application will be subject to review for drainage compliance and geometric compliance per traffic assessment. In addition, all construction disturbing more than one acre will be reviewed for MS4 post construction compliance.